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Can Texture Make Or Break A Product?

Our skin and our hair can be our most valued possessions. So, it’s no surprise that the way a product feels plays a big part in how we judge its effectiveness and how much of it we use. Most of the time we prefer thicker textures for our hair products and thinner ones for our favorite skin products.

“So, what’s the science?” you ask.

When it comes to hair, it’s all about its overall porosity. Hair porosity simply refers to your hair's ability to absorb and retain moisture. Levels of porosity can vary from person to person, but tends to fall into three categories: High, Medium, and Low Porosity.

High Porosity strands tend to be dryer since it has a low moisture retention rate. This is due to how open the cuticles are on the strand. It’s best to use thick creams in order lock in moisture.

Medium Porosity strands tend to be the most manageable and have great structure for the best styling results. The cuticles aren’t too compact or to open. Avoiding too much protein intake is recommended as well as using medium/thinner textured products.

Low Porosity Strands have a high moisture retention rate since the cuticles are so compact. Using products that go deep to remove dirt is recommended to get the best clean. Utilizing thin textured products is best to reduce product build up under the cuticle.

When it comes to skin, it’s all about preference, perception, and formulation. Many expensive brands tend to lean towards heavier textures, mostly geared towards older consumers, who are used to or perceive heavy textures to be more effective. These types of products tend to be moisturizers, eye creams, and cleansers, geared towards skin rejuvenation and anti-aging. Thinner textures are often preferred by younger consumers who bet on the efficacious powers of serums, essences, and toners to fight problem areas and prevent future problems.

Thinner textures can often times be more effective as they can be absorbed by the skin a lot quicker and penetrate much deeper. However, skin compositions vary from person to person and only proactive dermatological visits can help you single out products and even textures that play well with your skin.

So, taking a quick peak at some of your go to products, what textures do you mostly buy into?

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